Whether as a jet-setting magazine editor or as a global content creator, I have helped companies around the world promote their brands through storytelling. My work has been published in Glamour, Marie Claire, Teen VOGUE, TIME, and WWD and my clients have included Away, Cartier, DFS, and Moët Hennessy. Today, I'm trying to balance motherhood with the metaverse. I want to use my editorial expertise and eye for detail to design digital products, services, and experiences for everyone. When I'm not online, I'm offline exploring Los Angeles and beyond with my four-year-old son, Atlas.



1. What is your idea of the perfect trip?

My idea of "the perfect trip" isn't really perfect at all. Nothing ever is. No matter how much you plan, something is bound to go wrong. But it’s in those uncharted moments when you lose your way that you find what you never knew you were looking for in the first place. It’s those moments that help you discover yourself.

2. What is currently on your packing list?

  • MUJI Face Scrub 

  • Fresh Sugar Tinted Lip Treatment

  • Trader Joe’s Daily Facial Sunscreen

3. What do you always forget to pack?

I like to arrive at my destination with only the bare essentials. Nothing gives you a better excuse to explore and shop the local markets than forgetting to pack your umbrella.

4. Where is your current state of mind?

Anywhere but here.